The Yaesu FT-101E is a solid-state (except finals) transceiver covering 160 through 10 meters in USB, LSB, CW and AM modes. The analog display provides 2 kHz accuracy. An eight-pole SSB filter reduces QRM. Input power is a beefy 260 watts PEP on SSB, 180 watts on CW (50% duty cycle) and 80 watts AM (lower on 160 and 10 meters). It operates from 12 VDC 20 amps or 100-234 VAC. There is also an AUX range crystal position for any 500 kHz segment from 14.5-28 MHz. With PB101 Speaker and phone patch. In Box…very nice. Tested OK. $400 All Proceeds go to OARS (Olympia Amateur Radio Society). Contact N7POV
